كتاب علم pharmacology يشرح بصورة مبسطة ويحتوى على clinical case فى نهاية كل فصل

كتاب علم pharmacology

يشرح بصورة مبسطة ويحتوى على clinical case

فى نهاية كل فصل

Modern Pharmacology with Clinical Applications, 6th Ed
The sixth edition of Modern Pharmacology With
Clinical Applications continues our commitment
to enlisting experts in pharmacology to provide
a textbook that is up-to-date and comprehensive.De-
signed to be used during a single semester,the book fo-
cuses on the clinical application of drugs within a con-
text of the major principles of pharmacology.It is meant
to serve students in medicine,osteopathy,dentistry,
pharmacy,and advanced nursing,as well as undergrad-
uate students
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